ANP lagenda del dirigente

by Gruppo Spaggiari Parma



"ANP The Executives Agenda" is an app designed and built by ANP, the National Association of Public Executives and High Professionals of the School, in collaboration with the Spaggiari Parma Spa Group, for the provision of services to all members.Through the APP it is possible to consult the Executives Agenda with the related forms and timetable, be informed of the most important ANP initiatives, access related services such as, for example, those made available by for subscribers.In addition, the APP is used to report other contributions of interest coming from qualified sources (for example, jurisprudence reports through the LexForSchool service), to support the training and coaching courses organized by ANP and Dirscuola Scarl, also in the case of insolvency proceedings for the selection of new school directors.For any request for information or suggestions to improve this first version of the APP, write to [email protected].